Nigericin can be used as a senolytic for cells of various origins. Four additional models of senescence of different cell lines was verified for acquisition of SA-β-gal activity and tested for the selective death of senescent cells: (A,B) control and doxorubicin-induced senescent (1 μM, DOX) DP-MSCs; (C,D) control and oxidative-stress induced senescent (100 μM, H2O2) WJ-MSCs; (E,F) control and etoposide-induced senescent (3 μM, ETO) A549 cells; (G,H) control and replicatively senescent (RS) END-MSCs. Cell viability data presented as relative cell viability (%) of control and senescent cells 3 days after treatment. Values presented are mean ± s.d. For pair comparisons at (A,C,E,G), Welch’s t-test was used, n = 50, *** p < 0.005. For comparison of viability of control and senescent cells with treatment at (B,D,F,H), two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s HSD was applied, n = 3, ns—not significant, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.005. Scale bars for images are 100 μm.