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. 2022 Sep 5;52(14):2917–2929. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722002471

Table 3.

Characteristics of included GET studies, their participants, and prognosis

Reference (author/year) Setting and diagnostic criteria Intervention and control Sample size Intervention (#)
Control (#)
Population characteristics: age (mean years); gender (% female) Primary outcome Prognosis following GET treatment(s) (% of participants) EPHPP global quality rating
Clark et al. (2017) CFS clinic, UK; NICE criteria Self-help GET v. SpMC Intervention: 107
Control: 104
38; 82
39; 76
Fatigue and physical functioning; post-treatment 16% globally improved; 58% significantly improved in fatigue and 41% in physical functioning; 24% increased physical activity; 21% seriously deteriorated; 19%a globally worsened Moderate
Fulcher and White (1997) CFS clinic, UK; Oxford Criteria GET v. flexibility and relaxation Intervention: 33
Control: 33
Entire sample:
37; 74
Global improvement; post-treatment 52% globally improved; 3% globally worsened Moderate
Moss-Morris et al. (2005) CFS private general practice, New Zealand; CDC Criteria GET v. StMC Intervention: 25
Control: 24
37; 60.
46; 79
Global improvement; post-treatment 48% globally improved; 18%a globally worsened Moderate
Powell et al. (2001) CFS clinic and an infectious disease outpatient clinic, UK; Oxford criteria ‘Doses’ of education to encourage GET: minimum (i), telephone (ii), and maximum (iii) conditions v. StMC Intervention:
GET (i) 37
GET (ii) 39
GET (iii) 38
Control: 34
GET (i) 34; 76
GET (ii) 32; 85
GET (iii) 33; 82
Control: 34; 71
Fatigue and physical functioning; medium-term follow-up 70% globally improved; 69% significantly improved in physical functioning Moderate
White et al. (2011) Secondary care clinic, UK; Oxford Criteria GET v. SpMC Intervention: 160
Control: 160
39; 77.
37; 76
Fatigue and physical functioning;
short-term follow-up
39% globally improved; 77% significantly improved in fatigue and 68% in physical functioning; 27% in normal ranges for fatigue and physical functioning; 13%a globally worsened; 6% seriously deteriorated Moderate
White et al. (2013) Secondary care clinics, UK; Oxford Criteria GET v. SpMC Intervention: 160
Control: 160
Entire sample:
38; 77
Fatigue and physical functioning; short-term follow-up 20% recovered Moderate

Note. EPHPP, Effective Public Health Practice Project; CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome; GET, graded exercise therapy; StMC, standard medical care; NICE, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; SpMC, specialist medical care; CDC, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.


Data obtained from study author.