Metabolite MDVs are flux-weighted averages of precursor substrate MDVs. (A) A toy model of a metabolic system with two input fluxes, three output fluxes, and five irreversible forward reactions. The corresponding reaction information and flux values for examples are shown in the table below. Note that the measured flux of V7 must be divided by 2 when calculating the amount of C consumed to properly account for reaction stoichiometry. (B) The relationship between V2/V3 flux values and metabolite F isotopomers in the scenario where V1 and V10 are the only non-zero fluxes. In these examples, [M+1] and [M+2] are the only possible isotopomers of F. (C) The relationship between V2/V3 flux values and metabolite F isotopomers when V9 is non-zero. Possible isotopomers [M+0], [M+1], and [M+2] due to influx of unlabeled F. The influx of unlabeled F dilutes the labeled pool of [M+1] and [M+2]. (D) Scenario where V7 and V8 fluxes are both non-zero, which also mandates non-zero fluxes in V2 and V3. This further narrows the range of possible flux values for V2 and V3.