a, Violin plot of SHOC2 mean positional viability for surface contacting residues between complex members, PP1C (green, n = 28 positions) and MRAS (maroon, n = 26 positions), compared to core-residues (brown, n = 198 positions) and surface non-contacting residues (yellow, n = 329). Center line represents median, whiskers represent the first and fourth quartiles, box edges represent the second and third quartiles. b, MIA PaCa-2 with knock-out of endogenous SHOC2 and stably re-expressing various SHOC2 gain-of-function (red) and loss-of-function (blue) variants were seeded in ultra-low attachment plates and cultured for 7 days. Viability endpoint via cell titer glow is presented on x-axis along scaled LFC from fitness screen with PaTu-8902. Error bars represent standard deviation of GILA CTG viability (n=6 technical replicates; representative of 3 biological replicates). Line (green) represent simple linear regression model, 95% confidence interval (black dashed lines), R2 (goodness of fit), and linear model p-value < 0.0001 (analysis of regression coefficient significantly non-zero) indicated. c, Wild type (WT) and gain- or loss-of-function (GOF/LOF) variants were stably expressed in KRAS mutant cell line MIA PaCa-2 with knock-out of endogenous SHOC2. d, Densitometry quantification of P-S259 RAF1 relative to total RAF1 and normalized to levels from wildtype expressing cells. Center line represents median and whiskers represent interquartile range. ***p<0.001, two-sided t-test between LOF (n = 5 variants) and GOF (n = 6 variants) SHOC2 alleles, representative of 3 biological replicates. e, Wild type (WT) and gain- or loss-of-function (GOF/LOF) variants were stably expressed in KRAS mutant cell line MIA PaCa-2 with knock-out of endogenous SHOC2. Cells were treated with the MEK1/2 inhibitor trametinib (10nM) for 24 hours prior to Western blot. f, Densitometry quantification of P-S259 RAF1 relative to total RAF1 and normalized to levels from wildtype expressing cells. Center line represents median and whiskers represent interquartile range. ***p<0.001, two-sided t-test between LOF (n = 6 variants) and GOF (n = 6 variants) SHOC2 alleles, representative of 3 biological replicates. g, Immunoprecipitation of V5-tagged SHOC2 variants in 293T cells co-transfected with HA-MRAS. h, Densitometry analysis of relative prey including endogenous PP1CB (yellow) and MRAS (maroon) normalized to V5 bait (y-axis) and DMS fitness score (LFC Z-score) (x-axis). Lines represent simple linear regression model, R2 (goodness of fit), and linear model p-value < 0.0001 (analysis of regression coefficient significantly non-zero) indicated, representatitve of 3 biological replicates. i, Deep mutational scanning results for N-terminal region of SHOC2 (residues 60-68) depicted via sequence logo plot per amino acid substitution at respective positions (ggseqlogo).