Alignment of aa partial hexon protein sequences of PAdV-5 Ino5, PAdV-5 HNF-70 (AF289262), porcine adenovirus 3 (AC_000189), and Human adenovirus 3 GB strain (AY599834) (A) Structure prediction and comparison of the hexon tower region of PAdV-5 Ino5, PAdV-5 HNF-70, porcine adenovirus 3, and Human adenovirus 3 GB strain. The three-dimensional protein structures were predicted by Alphafold2 ( accessed on 1 September 2022) and visualized in ChimeraX. The predicted 3D structure of the tower region of the hexon protein segment 3, hypervariable region in the segment 3, and segment 7 are colored by blue, red, and orange (B).