Figure 7.
AIS patient thrombi show the constitutive presence of NETs. (A) Representative immunohistochemical staining of retrieved stroke thrombus using an antibody against citrullinated histone (H3Cit), a marker for NETs. Abundant NET formation that appears intracellular as well as diffused extracellularly (white arrows in (a–c)), mainly in the platelet-rich areas and at the thrombi periphery can be seen. Scale bars: 500 μm: upper panel, and 20 μm: bottom panels. (B) Representative immunofluorescence image of retrieved stroke thrombus stained for DNA (DAPI, blue), and with antibody against citrullinated histone (H3Cit, green). The diffused nuclear material mainly in the periphery (blue in DAPI) colocalizes with H3Cit (green), as shown by arrowheads in the merged image. Scale bars are 100 μm.