P. fortinii DSE2 isolate’s phytase activity and ability to accumulate phosphorus in mycelium: (A) P. fortinii DSE2 isolate’s phytase activity during cultivation on liquid potato-dextrose broth. One unit of phytase-specific activity (1 U) is counted as the amount of phosphorus (μg) released in 1 min per 1 μg of protein. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences between different days of cultivation, p < 0.05; (B) polyphosphate’s localization in P. fortinii DSE2-isolate hyphae stained with DAPI: (a) transmitted light image; (b) fluorescence of DAPI–polyP complexes, λex = 405 nm, λem = 520–609 nm; (c) fluorescence of nuclei, λex = 405 nm, λem = 407–471 nm; (d) merged image. Bar = 5 μm.