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. 2022 Nov 10;7(11):369. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed7110369

Table 1.

Bibliographic search strategy.

Base Search Strategy
PUBMED #1 “Monkeypox” [MH] OR “Monkeypox virus” [MH] OR “Monkeypox” [TIAB] OR “Monkey Pox” [TIAB] OR “Monkeypoxvirus*” [TIAB]
#2 “Therapeutics” [MH] OR “Therapeutic Uses” [MH] OR “Therap*” [TIAB] OR “Treatment*” [TIAB] OR “Pharmaco*” [TIAB] OR “Antiviral*” [TIAB] OR “Management*” [TIAB] OR “Drug*” [TIAB] OR “Agent*” [TIAB]
#3 = #1 AND #2
SCOPUS #1 TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Monkeypox” OR “Monkeypox virus” OR “Monkey Pox” OR “Monkeypoxvirus*”)
#2 TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Therap*” OR “Treatment*” OR “Pharmaco*” OR “Antiviral*” OR “Management*” OR “Drug*” OR “Agent*”)
#3 = #1 AND #2
#1 ALL = (“Monkeypox” OR “Monkeypox virus” OR “Monkey Pox” OR “Monkeypoxvirus*”)
#2 ALL = (“Therap*” OR “Treatment*” OR “Pharmaco*” OR “Antiviral*” OR “Management*” OR “Drug*” OR “Agent*”)
#3 = #1 AND #2
EMBASE #1 ‘monkeypox’/exp OR ‘monkeypox’
#2 ‘therapy’
#3 = #1 AND #2
CENTRAL #1 “Monkeypox” OR “Monkeypox virus” OR “Monkey Pox” OR “Monkeypoxvirus*”
#2 “Therap*” OR “Treatment*” OR “Pharmaco*” OR “Antiviral*” OR “Management*” OR “Drug*”
#3 = #1 AND #2