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. 2022 Oct 22;12(11):1677. doi: 10.3390/life12111677

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies.

Author/Country Risk Factor Nystatin Group Control Group Nystatin Group Control Group
Age (Mean) Sex N Age (Mean) Sex N Formulation Dose Frequency (Times/day) Duration (Days) Medication Formulation Dose Frequency Duration (Days)
Afroozi et al. 2019 [28],
Denture 67.4 y - 33 67.6 y - 33 Sol 100,000 IU 3 times a day 15 PDT - - 2 sessions 15
Alrabiah et al. 2019 [29],
Saudi Arabia
Denture - - 18 - - 18 Susp 100,000 IU 4 times a day 14 PDT - - twice in one week 30
Alves et al. 2020 [30],
Denture 69 y - 35 70 y F = 19
M = 11
30 Susp 100,000 IU/mL) 4 times a day 15 PDT - - 6 sessions 15
Araújo et al. 2021 [35],
Denture 57 y - 18 - - 18 Sol 1,000,000 IU 3 times a day 15 CZ oral spray - 3 times a day 15
Bakhshi et al. 2012 [31],
Denture 73.52 y - 20 - - 20 Sol 100,000 IU/ml 3 times a day 30 GE Sol 40 mg/ml 3 times a day 30
Gonoudi et al. 2021 [32],
Denture 60.93 y - 14 55.86 y - 14 Susp 100,000 IU 4 times a day 14 ZM Sol 5 ml 5 times a day 14
Johnson et al. 1989 [39],
Denture - - 8 - - 8 Pas 200,000 IU 5 14 Placebo Pastilles 5 14
- - 8 - - 8 Pas 400,000 IU 5 14 Placebo Pas 5 14
Labban et al. 2021 [33],
Saudi Arabia
Denture 56.9 y - 15 57.2 y - 15 Susp 100,000 IU/mL 4 times a day 15 PDT - - 6 sessions 15
Li et al. 2014 [34],
Denture 64.84 y F = 24
M = 7
31 62.72 y F = 29
M = 5
34 Paste 2% 3 30 NYT + Pb Paste + Lozenges 3 30
Mima et al. 2012 [40],
Denture 62.45 y - 20 61.25 y - 20 Susp 100 000 IU 4 times a day 15 PDT - - 6 sessions 15
Nairn et al. 1975 [37],
Denture - - 13 - - 18 Pas 500,000 IU 4 30 AMB Lozenges 10 mg 4 30
- - 13 - - 15 Pas 500,000 IU 4 30 Placebo
Pinelli et al. 2013 [38],
Denture 81.4 y - 10 - - 10 Sol 100,000 IU 4 times a day 30 RC Sol - - 30
81.4 y - 10 - - 10 Sol 100,000 IU 4 times a day 30 MIC Gel 4 times a day 30
Silva et al. 2012 [36],
Denture 62.5 y - 20 59.5 y - 20 Susp 100,000 IU/ml 4 14 DM Irr Once per week 14
62.5 y - 20 56.8 y - 20 Susp 100,000 IU/ml 4 14 DM Irr 3 times per week 14
Sanita et al. 2012 [42],
Denture in diabetic patients 62.6 y - 10 62.2 y - 10 Susp 100,000 IU/m 4 14 DM Irr 3 times per week 14
Thompson et al. 1986 [41],
Respiratory disease 59 y - 18 - - 18 Pas 100,000 IU 4 7 NYT Susp 100 000 units 4 7
Goins et al. 2002 [44],
Infants 1–12 mon - 28 1–12 mon - 17 Susp 100,000 IU 4 10 FLC Susp 1 per day 7
Hoppe 1997 [46],
Multicenter study
Infants 130 days F = 0
M = 77
85 132 days F = 0
M = 95
98 Susp 100,000 IU 4 12 MIC Gel 4 12
Hoppe et al. 1996 [45],
Multicenter study
Infants 5 months - 35 5 mon - 27 Gel 250,000 IU 4 14 MIC Gel 4 14
5 months - 35 5 mon - 27 Gel 100,000 IU 4 14 MIC Gel 4 14
Flynn et al. 1995 [43],
Infants Children 6 months–13 y - 88 6 mon–13 y - 94 Susp 400,000 IU 4 14 FLC Susp 14
Meunier et al. 1990 [51],
Cancer patients - F = 10
M = 14
24 - F = 8
M = 10
18 Susp + Pas 1000,000 IU + 100,000 IU 3 10 to 12 KCZ Tab 10 to 12
Mukherjee et al. 2017 [47],
Multicenter study
HIV - F = 66
M = 45
111 - F = 62
M = 48
110 Susp 500,000 IU 4 14 GV Sol 14
Pons et al. 1997 [49],
HIV, AIDS 38 y - 84 38 y - 83 Susp 500,000 IU 4 14 FLC Susp 14
Nyst et al. 1992 [48],
AIDS 35.4 y - 47 34.5 y - 49 Susp 200,000 IU 4 14 GV Susp 14
35.4 y - 47 34.5 y - 45 Susp 200,000 IU 4 14 KCZ Troche 14
Blomgren et al. 1998 [50],
Multigroup patients 60.7 y - 33 58.4 y - 34 Sol 100,000 IU 4 21 FLC Cap 7

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; PDT—Photodynamic therapy; CZ—Cinnamomum zeylanicum; GE—Garlic extract; ZM—Zataria multiflora; NYT—nystatin; Pb—probiotics; AMB—Amphotericin B; RC—Ricinus communis; MIC—Miconazole; DM—Denture microwave; FLC—Fluconazole; KCZ—Ketoconazole; GV—Gentain violet; Susp—Suspension; Sol—Solution; Tab—Tablet; Cap—Capsule; Irr—Irradiation; Pas—Pastilles.