Population genomic analysis of mung bean.
(A) Atlas of variation of 217 accessions. The circles represent, from outermost to innermost, (a) pseudochromosomes; (b–d) SNP, indel, and SV density; and (e and f) nonsynonymous and synonymous SNPs.
(B) Unrooted tree and ADMIXTURE (K = 2–5) plot of 207 accessions inferred from core SNPs. The green, red, and blue strips of the tree represent the NCL group, group 1, and group 2, respectively, and the orange, green, and purple branches represent NCLs, CLRs, and CBLs, respectively.
(C) PCA plot of the first 2 eigenvectors of 207 accessions.
(D) Unrooted tree of 207 and 750 accessions. The red, green, and blue at the tips of the tree represent group 1, group 2, and the NCL group, respectively. The branch colors are shown in the legend.
(E) F-statistics (FST) and nucleotide diversity (π) of different subgroups in Asia.