GWAS of CSC and color-related traits.
(A) Manhattan plot of GWAS of CSC traits in 2 different environments (SJZ_2018_summer and ZJK_2018_spring).
(B) LD heatmap showing the regions surrounding the strong peaks (chromosome 7: 55.979–56.812 Mb) identified by a SNP GWAS.
(C) Relationship between the alleles of the 2 STAs (7_56810077_G_A and 7_56019040_T_C) and the CSC and CPC in 2 environments. ∗∗ indicates a statistical significance level of P < 0.001.
(D) Manhattan plots of SNP-based GWAS and gene PAV-based GWAS for color-related traits, including BDC, FLC, PLC, and YSC.
(E) Presence/absence variants of 136 kb on chromosome 4 according to Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). Sample lz-76 (variety: Jilv7) contains this segment, and the color is purple. Sample lz-161 (variety: VC973A) is missing this segment, and the color is green or yellow.