Fig. 2. Long-term perturbations of immune traits in COVID-19.
a Top immune traits affected by long-term perturbations are depicted. Traits are derived from analysis in Fig. 1b and selected for P-value < 0.001 in one of both analysis (linear regression and/or Wilcoxon test). Bars pointing to the left and right are derived from linear regression and Wilcoxon test, respectively, and are colored based on trait type (Frequency of immune subset in blue, Frequency of expressing functional marker in orange and MFI values in green). Colored bar on the left depicts severity group from which the significant trait is derived. R2 and slope from linear regression are shown as colored bars on the right. Values in the right bar are slope values from linear regression. Red and black dashed lines show P-value cut-off of 0.001 and 0.05, respectively. b Frequencies of switched (top row) and naïve (bottom row) B cells of total B cells are shown. Plot on the left shows frequencies as boxplots for unexposed healthy donors (gray) and individuals recovered from mild (purple), moderate (burgundy), severe (orange) or critical COVID-19 (yellow). The two plots on the right show the frequency of cells as a function of time between symptom onset and sample collection for individuals recovered from moderate and severe COVID-19. Far right plot shows the distribution of the traits in 173 unexposed healthy individuals. Similar to Fig. 2b, dynamics of c CD38+HLA-DR− (left) and CD38−HLA-DR− of CD4 naive T cells (right), d frequencies of cDC1s of total DCs, e CCR3 MFI of basophils and f CD95 MFI of early NK and NK2 cells are shown. Age-corrected residuals from linear regression were used for statistical analysis. For comparison between groups, one-way ANOVA was used on residuals to test for overall significant difference prior to two-sided Wilcoxon test with Bonferroni correction. Boxplots depict median and interquartile range (IQR) and length of whiskers is 1.5 times IQR. Second and third plot show dot plots with linear regression (red line) and 95% confidence interval for individuals recovered from moderate and severe COVID-19, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.