Table A.1.
Data extraction checklist.
Feature extracted | Description |
Article Extraction Checklist | |
Identification number | Identification number for study |
Journal name | The journal that the study was published in |
Journal impact factor | The journal impact factor |
Substantive policy domain | The substantive domain of the policy |
Study design or causal identification strategy | The analytical study design for causal identification (e.g., instrumental variable or difference-in-differences) |
Years of social policy intervention | The relevant years for the policy intervention |
Sample size | The sample size in the study |
Heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) Extraction Checklist | |
Outcome | The relevant outcome for HTE estimate |
Outcome variable type | The type of measure of the outcome (e.g., binary or continuous) |
HTE assessed | A dummy indicator of whether a study assessed HTEs |
Intent to assess HTE specified a priori | A dummy indicator of whether a study specified the HTE analysis a priori |
HTE supported by theory | A dummy indicator of whether the choice of HTE analyses supported by theory |
HTE method | Specification of method for assessing HTE, if applicable |
Subgroups for HTE estimate | What groups were specified to test HTE |
HTE estimates | Estimate of HTE by group |
Subgroup sample sizes | Sample size of subgroup in HTE analysis |
Standard error HTE estimates | The standard error of HTE estimate |
Confidence interval (CI) HTE estimates | The CI for HTE estimates |
Statistical significance of HTE estimates | A dummy indicator for whether HTE estimate statistically significant |
p-value | The p-value for HTE estimate |
Effect measure (measure of association) | The effect measure or measure of association of HTE estimate (e.g., relative risk, odds ratio, or standardized mean difference) |