Left panel: age-stratified average SEER prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates (per 100,000 people) of selected racial groups (Non-Hispanic White, Black (includes Hispanic), Hispanic (any race), and Asian/Pacific Islander (includes Hispanic)) in the US from 2012–2018 [3]. Right panel: the ratios of prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates in each racial group, relative to Non-Hispanic White incidence/mortality rates. Notably, the Black:White disparities in prostate cancer incidence (2.01 to 1.62 to 1.39) and mortality (2.78 to 2.58 to 1.96) decrease in severity as the groups increase in age, suggesting the racial disparity is more severe among younger (< 65 years old) Black men. SEER prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates are lower in Hispanic men compared to White men (all ratios ≤ 1), and lowest in Asian/Pacific Islander men compared to White men (all ratios ≤ 0.70).