Proposed possible pathogenesis of MDA5+DM‐ILD and summary of blood‐based biomarkers for MDA5+DM, MDA5+DM‐ILD, and MDA5+DM‐RPILD. The potential pathogenesis of MDA5+DM‐ILD is presented both on the left (mainly) and right. Blood biomarkers related to MDA5+DM, MDA5+DM‐ILD, and MDA5+DM‐RPILD are on the right. Bold red and blue texts represent upregulated and downregulated biomarkers, respectively. CCL22, C‐C motif ligand 22; cfDNA, cell‐free DNA; CYFRA21‐1, cytokeratin‐19 fragment; DM, dermatomyositis; HNE‐DNA, human neutrophil elastase‐DNA; IFN, interferon; IL‐15, interleukin 15; ILD, interstitial lung disease; KL‐6, krebs von den Lungen‐6; MDA5, melanoma differentiation‐associated gene 5; miR, microRNA; MPO‐DNA, myeloperoxidase‐DNA; NETs, neutrophil extracellular traps; sCD206, soluble CD206; TFH, T follicular helper; YKL‐40, chitinase‐3‐like‐1 protein.