Correlation between propionate pathway abundances and propionate concentrations of in vitro experiments. Cumulative abundances of the Suc and Pdiol pathways are shown. Panel a shows the correlation between net-grown bacteria exhibiting those pathways and concentrations of propionate formed, whereas associations between relative abundances of those bacteria with proportions of propionate from total SCFAs are given in panel b. Values from communities derived from different donors and substrates are indicated. The Pearson correlation coefficient is given (values in brackets are based on log-transformed data). Panels c and f display concentrations of formed propionate grouped into individual donors and substrates, respectively. Panels d and g give corresponding results for relative propionate concentrations (from total SCFAs), whereas panels e and h show respective yields, i.e., propionate formed per grown bacterium harboring the Suc/Pdiol pathways. Gray lines depict average values along with standard deviations. Inu: inulin, Muc: mucin, NC: basal medium, Pec: pectin, Prt: protein, RS2/3: resistant starch type 2/3.