Flow cytometry results indicating loss of bulk lipids and retention of
PEGylated lipids. (A) AF488 fluorescence intensity was used as an analog for
relative shell concentration of PEGylated lipids. There was no significant
difference between ADV/RC and control groups (N = 5,
p > 0.05), indicating that the PEGylated lipids were
fully retained. (B) DiI fluorescence intensity was used as an analog for
relative shell concentration of bulk lipids (DSPC). The median fluorescence
intensity was significantly lower in the ADV/RC group as compared to controls
(N = 5, p < 0.05). These results
indicated that 20% of the bulk lipids were shed during ADV/RC. For both parts A
and B, two representative example histograms, illustrating the distribution of
droplet fluorescence intensities, are plotted alongside the associated median
fluorescence intensity values (dashed vertical lines). (C) Median fluorescence
intensity values are plotted, averaged for each group (N = 5).
Note that values should not be directly compared between AF488 and DiI, as these
were two independent droplet populations which used distinct sets of emission
filters. PEGylated lipids were retained whereas 20% of the bulk lipids were shed
during ADV/RC. α: p < 0.05.