(A) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization
of pig thymus cell types, colored by cell clusters. Clusters were identified
using the graph-based Louvain algorithm at a resolution of 0.5.
(B)Dot plot showing the Z-scored mean expression of
marker genes that were used to designate cell types to cell clusters. The color
intensity represents average expression of each marker gene in each cluster. The
dot size indicates the proportion of cells expressing each marker gene. Genes
with cluster-specific increases in expression are presented in Table S2.
(C) Heatmap showing row-scaled mean expression of the five highest
differentially expressed transcription factors in each cluster.
(D) Scatterplots showing the ratio of various lineage marker genes for
each thymocyte cluster (excluding B cells). Asterisks indicate non-annotated
genes (described in Table