Figure 6.
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) tracks of Ndufa8 (A) and Uggt2 (B) after 30 days of recovery from EHS or EXC. The sequence coordinates of the promoters of Ndufa8 (chromosome 2; divergently transcribed relative to Mom5) and Uggt2 (chromosome 14) are indicated at the top of each panel. The first eight tracks indicate the sequencing coverage, i.e., the number of times that each CpG was sequenced (combined top and bottom strands) in each sample (EXC, blue bars; EHS, red bars). Only CpGs sequenced ≥10× are shown, with all coverage scales set from 0 to 60 reads. The % methylation tracks are all scaled from 0 to 100%. EXC, exercise control; EHS, exertional heat stroke.