Search strategy for each database
Database | Search strategy |
Pubmed |
#1 “non‐smoker” [MeSH Terms] OR “postoperative wound healing problems” [MeSH Terms] OR “surgical site wound infection” [All Fields] #2 “smoker” [MeSH Terms] OR “smoke cessation” [All Fields] #3 #1 AND #2 |
Embase |
“non‐smoker”/exp OR “postoperative wound healing problems”/exp OR “surgical site wound infection”/exp #2 “smoker”/exp OR “smoke cessation”/exp #3 #1 AND #2 |
Cochrane library |
#1 (non‐smoker):ti,ab,kw OR (postoperative wound healing problems):ti,ab,kw OR (surgical site wound infection):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) #2 (smoker):ti,ab,kw OR (smoke cessation):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) #3 #1 AND #2 |