Table 1.
Strategy | Mechanism | Methods or agents | Target Microorganisms |
Physical destruction | Physical destruction of biofilm structure | UTMD [51] Surgical debridement plus antibiotic [52, 53] |
S. epidermidis
P. aeruginos |
Target the EPS | Inhibit EPS production or secretion | cdGMP and cdAMP [56] Small molecules such as glucosyltransferase inhibitor and pilicides [57, 58] |
S. aureus
P. aeruginosa S. epidermidis Streptococcus |
Degrade EPS | Glucanohydrolases and dispersin B [59, 60] Esp serine protease [61] DNase I [62-64] |
S. aureus
P. aeruginosa S. epidermidis Streptococcus |
Block quorum sensing | Inhibit quorum sensing to prevent biofilm formation | Blocking QS signal molecule production [66] Neutralizing signal molecules by chemicals, antibodies, or specific enzymes [41, 67] Blocking the receptors or inhibit the signaling pathway [42, 43] |
P. aeruginosa B. Bosea sp. B. brevis A. caviae Sch3 |
Recombinant phages | Use phage to lyse bacteria | Recombinant ‘phage cocktail’ [76] Nature strains of polyvalent bacteriophages [77, 78] |
Staphylococcus strains S. epidermidis S. aureus K. pneumoniae |
Others | Use chemical or physical principles | Nanoparticles: TiO2 [82] ; Silver [83] |
S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and C. abicans; |
Electric currents [84-88] |
E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. Typhimurium. |
Promising methods to overcome biofilm antibiotic resistance, with the underlying mechanism of action also shown.