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. 1999 Dec;67(12):6526–6532. doi: 10.1128/iai.67.12.6526-6532.1999


Clinical characteristics of patients with meningococcal disease (n = 40) and characterization of associated strains

Patient group and no.a Meningococcal strain Approx MW (103)b
Disease categoryc Preadmission symptoms (h) Intermediate sampling day
TbpA TbpB
I (n = 8)
 1 B:15P1.7,16 NT NT 2 12 15
 2 B:15P1.7,16 98 83 1 12 17
 3 B:15P1.7,16 NT NT 1 18 16
 4 (V−A+C[1]) B:15P1.7,16 NT NT 3 20 12
 5 B:15P1.7,16 95 ND 4 11 16
 6 B:15P1.7,16 98 81 1 25 10
 7 B:15P1.7,16 NT NT 4 24 16
 8 B:15P1.7,16 98 83 2 10 17
II (n = 7)
 9 C:15P1.7,16 98 83 4 20
 10 C:15P1.7,16 98 83 3 20 24
 11 C:15P1.7,16 95 ND 4 48 17
 12 C:15P1.7,16 98 83 1 16 8
 13 C:15P1.7,16 98 83 1 24 5
 14 C:15P1.7,16 98 81 2 16 7
 15 C:15P1.7,16 NT NT 3 30 4
III (n = 10)
 16 B:15:P1.2 98 85 3 23 9
 17 B:15:P1.2,5 98 85 4 36 5
 18 B:15:P1.12,13 NT NT 2 12 24
 19 B:15:P1.12,13 NT NT 2 11 15
 20 B:15:P1.12 98 85 4 24 18
 21 B:15:P1.12 NT NT 4 18 5
 22 (V−B [3]) B:15:P1.12 98 83 1 14 13
 23 (V−B [3]) B:15:P1.12 98 83 3 18 15
 24 (V−B [3]) B:15:P1.12 NT NT 1 14 10
 25 (V−B [1]) B:15:P1.12 NT NT 1 26 3
IV (n = 6)
 26 C:2a:P1.2 95 64 4 20 6
 27 C:2a:P1.2 98 68 2 11 13
 28 C:2a:P1.2 98 68 4 11 14
 29 C:2a:P1.2 98 85 2 28 4
 30 (V−B [4] C:2a:P1.2 NT NT 2 20 15
 31 (V−B [4] C:2a:P1.2 98 68 2 10 17
V (n = 9)
 32 B:NT:P1.12 95 85 4 18 13
 33 B:NT:P1.16 98 85 1 24 18
 34 B:NT:P1.3 NT NT 4 20 8
 35 B:NT:NT 98 83 3 30 14
 36 B:4:NT 98 ND 4 10 16
 37 B:4:P1.12 98 85 2 25 16
 38 B:8:P1.15 98 83 1 18 16
 39 B:19:P1.15 98 85 4 16 8
 40 Microscopyd NT NT 3 11 14

V−A+C, immunized with meningococcal polysaccharide A+C vaccine; V−B, immunized with meningococcal serogroup B OMV vaccine. Numbers in brackets indicate years since vaccination. 


ND, not determined, band not detected; NT, not tested. 


1, meningitis; 2, septicemia with shock; 3, meningitis and septicemia with shock; 4, septicemia without septic shock and with or without meningitis. 


Gram-negative diplococci in cerebrospinal fluid.