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. 2022 Nov 7;9:907150. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.907150


Evaluation Parameters for analysis of microarray gene expression data.

Evaluation metric Specifics References
Prediction performance evaluation parameters
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) RMSE is a square root of mean of the difference between predicted values and actual values for each sample Vihinen, 2012, Parikh et al., 2008a, Parikh et al., 2008b, Goffinet and Wallach, 1989
Root Relative Squared Error (RRSE) RRSE is a normalized RMSE which enables the comparison between datasets or models with different scales. Standard deviation is used for normalization
Accuracy The accuracy of a test is its ability to differentiate the cases and controls correctly
Precision/Positive Prediction Value The Precision of a test is its ability to determine cases that are true cases
Sensitivity/Recall/True Positive Rate The sensitivity of a test is its ability to determine the cases (positive for disease) correctly
Specificity/True negative Rate The specificity of a test is its ability to determine the healthy cases correctly
F1-score F1-score of a test is its ability to determine harmonic mean of precision and recall
MCC MCC of a test is a correlation coefficient between the true and predicted values Chicco and Jurman, 2020, Matthews, 1975
ROC curve ROC curve is a graph where each point on a curve represents a sensitivity/specificity pair corresponding to a particular decision threshold. Area Under the ROC curve is a measure of how well a parameter can distinguish between cases and controls. ROC curves should be used when there are roughly equal numbers of instances for each class Fawcett, 2006, Davis and Goadrich, 2006
Precision-Recall Curve A precision-recall (PR) curve is a graph where each point on a curve represents a precision/sensitivity pair corresponding to a particular threshold. PR curves should be used when there is moderate to high class imbalance Buckland and Gey, (1994)
Clustering performance evaluation parameters
 Dunn’s Index Dunn’s index is a ratio between the minimum distance between two clusters and the size of largest cluster. Larger the index better the clustering Dunn, 1974, Dalton, Ballarin and Brun, 2009
 Silhouette Index Silhouette Index of a cluster is a defined as the average Silhouette width of its points. Silhouette width of a given point defines its proximity to its own cluster relative to its proximity to other clusters Rousseeuw, 1987, Dalton, Ballarin and Brun, 2009
 Figure of Merit Index The FOM of a feature gene is computed by clustering the samples after removing that feature and by measuring the average distance between all samples and their cluster’s centroids. The FOM for a clustering technique is the sum of FOM over each feature gene at a time Smith and Snyder, 1979, Dalton, Ballarin and Brun, 2009
 Instability Index Instability index is disagreement between labels obtained over data points to parts of a dataset, averaged over repeated random partitions of the data points. Clustering method is applied to a part of dataset, and the labels obtained on that part of the dataset are utilized to train a classifier that partitions the whole space Guruprasad, Reddy and Pandit, 1990, Dalton, Ballarin and Brun, 2009
 Hubert’s Correlation, Rand Statistics, Jaccard Coefficient, Folke’s and Mallow’s index All these measures analyse the relationship between pairs of points using the co-occurrence matrices for the expected partition and the one generated by the clustering algorithm Dalton, Ballarin and Brun, 2009, Brun et al., 2007