analysis for the entrance and exit channels in CYP1A1,
leading to CpdI as obtained from the individual snapshots from the
MD simulations for 100 ns with substrate starting orientation I, II, III, and IV.
(a) Protein structure with the major tunnels for model I (in red), model II (in green), model III (in blue), and model IV (in yellow). (b) Same as part
(a) but with the protein surface highlighted. (c–f) Tunneling
information per snapshot (time frame on the x-axis)
for the four MD simulations for model I (part c), II (part d), III (part e), and IV (part f). The horizontal axis represents the time segment from the
MD simulation, while on the y-axis, the depth of
the tunnel from the surface is given in Å. For each binding orientation,
the deepest tunnel is shown.