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. 2022 Nov 4;102(1):102310. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102310

Table 2.

List of partially representative DEGs.

Genes Different expression type Description log2FoldChange pval KEGG UniProtAC eggNOG
BMP5 Upregulated bone morphogenetic protein 5 2.207191257 2.84E-17 K04663 P87373 veNOG00413
TACR2 Upregulated tachykinin receptor 2 2.592664911 0.027384 K04223 - veNOG07359
AMH Upregulated anti-Mullerian hormone 5.012564505 6.5E-206 K04665 Q788U7 veNOG16048
PLAG1 Upregulated PLAG1 zinc finger 1.273295028 6.69E-09 K19484 Q58NQ5 veNOG02243
MYOD1 Downregulated myogenic differentiation 1 −2.084990972 0.006683 K09064 P16075 opiNOG36948;veNOG00749
BOP1 Downregulated block of proliferation 1 −1.992773591 1.14E-27 - - veNOG15316;fiNOG04039
SIPA1 Downregulated signal-induced proliferation-associated 1-like protein 3-like −1.242977568 0.000297 - - veNOG04528
NOTCH1 Downregulated notch 1 −1.77078885 1.46E-24 K02599 F1NZ70 veNOG02575
BCL2L1 Downregulated BCL2 like 1 −1.458977008 2.23E-10 K04570 Q07816 veNOG10445
SOX9 Downregulated SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 −1.722821315 1.12E-12 K18435 P48434 veNOG11187
ADGRA2 Downregulated adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A2 −1.045490949 8.4E-05 K08461 - veNOG03321
WNT5A Down-regulated Wnt family member 5A −2.532140807 0.000399 K00444 Q9YGX6 veNOG08444
SLC7A11 Downregulated solute carrier family 7 member 11 −2.760443999 1.57E-28 K13869 - veNOG05087
GATAD2B Downregulated GATA zinc finger domain containing 2B −1.463635505 1.85E-16 - - veNOG13402