Fig. 5.
Changes in gas exchange according to ventilation perfusion after increasing FiO2. This figure depicts changes in gas exchange according to ventilation (V’)/perfusion (Q’) alterations after increasing the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2). Above, venous admixture with three possible conditions: 1) low V’/Q’ with normal alveolar ventilation and increased capillary perfusion that rising FiO2 will determine marked increase of PaO2 and PAO2; 2) low V’/Q’ with decreased alveolar ventilation and normal capillary perfusion that rising FiO2 will determine increase of PaO2 and marked increase of PAO2; and 3) true shunt with absent alveolar ventilation and variable capillary perfusion not modified by FiO2. Below, wasted ventilation with three possible conditions: 1) high V’/Q’ with normal alveolar ventilation and decreased capillary perfusion that rising FiO2 will determine marked increase of PAO2; 2) high V’/Q’ with normal capillary perfusion that rising FiO2 will determine marked increase of PAO2, and 3) dead space with normal alveolar ventilation but absent capillary perfusion that with FiO2 will not change.