Defect-bound exciton and photoluminescence excitation spectrum.
(a) Emission intensity of D0 (blue) and X0′ (red) peaks as a function of the laser power. The black dashed line
indicates the linear background originating from the low-energy tail
of X0 at high power. (b) Left: (normalized) total PL counts
of X0′ and D0 as a function of
temperature using P = 50 μW. Right: PL emission
yield of D0, defined as β = ID0/(ID0 + IX0′), as a function of temperature. (c) Integrated
PL intensity of D0 as a function of excitation
energy (PLE spectrum, blue shaded area) and PL intensity as a function
of emission energy (orange shaded area) at Vg = −3 V and −0.2 V. The red solid lines are
fits using the 2D Elliott model. For X0 (Vg = −0.2 V), the fitting parameters
are Eg = 1.493 eV and Eb = 12 meV; for X0 (Vg = −3 V), the fitting parameters are Eg = 1.478 eV and Eb = 6 meV.
(d) Schematic of the exciton state and defect-bound exciton state
in the quasi-particle picture. Yellow arrows, laser excitation; dashed
arrows, relaxations; wave arrows, radiative emissions. VAC stands
for the vacuum state.