a, Proliferation of siLSD1 parental T47D 72h after siRNA
transfection, n = 3 biological independent replicates. Data are presented as
mean values + SEM. p-value < 0.005 (one-way ANOVA). b-e, WB of
proteins indicated, with VINCULIN as the loading control, in siCTR and
siLSD1 T47D 6 days after transfection (b), primed siLSD1 T47D 3- and 6-days
post siRNA transfection (c) and in WT and KO reprogrammed T47D (d), and
reprogrammed shCTR and shLSD1 T47D (e). f, Clonogenic assay of reprogrammed
shLSD1 T47D, n = 3 biological independent replicates. g, Proliferation of
shCTR and shRCOR1 parental and reprogrammed T47D for 7 days, n = 2
biological independent replicates. h, DEG overlap between parental and
reprogrammed LSD1 KO T47D. i, Endogenous LSD1 immunoprecipitation (IP) with
CoREST subunits in whole cell lysates using two antibodies in parental or
primed T47D. IgG and MBD3 were used as negative controls. j, Interaction
network of LSD1 interactome in parental and reprogrammed T47D. k, Relative
peptide abundance of selected SWI/SNF subunits identified by LC-MS/MS in
parental and reprogrammed T47D. IP = LSD1 IP, IgG = IgG IP. n = 3 biological
independent replicates. Number of peptides are represented as shades of blue
and orange. Uncropped images are available as source data.