a, Superose 6 gel filtration in parental cells showing co-elution of
LSD1, RCOR1, and members of the SWI/SNF complex (SMARCC1 and ARID2). b, LSD1
IP with SWI/SNF subunits in reprogrammed T47D. Note that the DPF2-LSD1
interaction was also not detected by LC-MS/MS (Fig. 2e). c, SMARCC1 IP with LSD1 in reprogrammed T47D. d, The
LSD1-SMARCC1 interaction is DNA-independent. EtBr, ethidium bromide1. e-f,
Proliferation of T47D treated with 1µM corin for 5 days (e), and TSA
or SAHA for 7 days (f), n = 3 biological independent replicates. Data are
presented as mean values + SEM, p-value < 0.001 (two-way ANOVA). g,
Proliferation of WT and LSD1 KO reprogrammed T47D treated with TSA or SAHA
for 7 days, n = 2 independent experiments. h, ERα WB in parental and
endocrine resistant T47D lines with VINCULIN as a loading control. i,
Synergy maps of parental and TamR T47D treated with tamoxifen and corin, or
fulvestrant and corin. The 3D synergy matrix was generated with
SynergyFinder 2.0, n = 3 biological independent replicates. Uncropped images
are available as source data.