a-b, Cell cycle analysis (a) and representative γH2AX
staining (b) 4 days after treatment with 500nM DMSO or corin. PI, propidium
iodide (inset zoom = 4X, scale bar = 5μm). c, Quantification of
γH2AX staining intensity from three biologically independent
experiments; 200 cells per sample/experiment were analyzed. d,
Quantification of the cell cycle distribution of γH2AX defined as the
sum of the intensities of γH2AX foci per nucleus post-exposure to
DMSO or 500nM corin and stained with DAPI. Data from 3 biologically
independent experiments; 200 cells per sample/experiment were analyzed. e-f,
Representative images (left) and quantification (right) of
ß-galactosidase (e) or PI/Annexin V (f) staining following exposure
to DMSO or 500nM corin for 4 days, n = 3 biological independent replicates
(two-way ANOVA, scalebar = 10μm), or LSD1 depletion, n = 2 biological
independent replicates. g, CDKN2A (encoding p16) log2 TPM values in parental
and reprogrammed T47D. (p-value = 0.0007, Two-tailed unpaired t-test), n = 2
biological independent replicates. h, The LSD1-RCOR1 interaction in
reprogrammed whole cell lysate is destabilized in the presence of 1µM
corin. i, Cellular fractionation of reprogrammed cells treated with 500nM
corin for 24h. Two different exposures are shown for LSD1 and RCOR1. j, WB
of proteins indicated on the left from parental and reprogrammed cells
treated with 1µM of corin for 5 days. Uncropped images are available
as source data.