a, Percentage of common and specific ATAC-seq peaks in parental and
reprogrammed WT and LSD1 KO T47D. b, ATAC-seq signal in WT and LSD1-KO
reprogrammed T47D (top) and cells treated with 500nM corin for 72h (bottom).
c, Second biological replicate of SMARCC1 ChIP-seq signal in WT and LSD1 KO
from analysis in Fig. 6d. d, ATAC-seq
signal in reprogrammed T47D treated with 500nM corin for 72h at accessible
sites in LSD1 KO cells that are inaccessible in WT cells. e, log2 TPM values
of FOXA1 expression in WT and KO LSD1 parental and reprogrammed cells, n=2
from biological independent experiments. Data are presented as mean values +
SD, unpaired t-test, two-sided, p values (parental vs reprogrammed=0.0008,
reprogrammed WT vs KO=0.0299). f, log2 TPM values of ESR1 in parental and
reprogrammed WT and LSD1 KO T47D, n=2 biologically independent samples Data
are presented as mean values + SD, unpaired t-test, two-sided, p values
(parental vs reprogrammed<0.0001, parental WT vs KO<0.0001,
reprogrammed WT vs KO=0.0041. g-h, WB of LSD1, RCOR1, and ERα from
whole cell extracts of reprogrammed WT and LSD1 KO T47D cultured for 7 days
in the presence of 1µM PRC2i EPZ6438, GSK343, and DNMTi 5-azacitidine
(g) or anisomycin (h). i, Proliferation of WT and LSD1 KO reprogrammed T47D
cells treated with 1µM of tamoxifen or fulvestrant for 5 days. j,
Second biological replicate of SMARCC1 ChIP-seq signal in WT and LSD1 KO
from analysis in Fig. 6j. Uncropped
images are available as source data.