Table 2.
Adjusted odds of PICU mortality, stratified based on pre-intubation exposure to respiratory support
Pre-Intubation Respiratory Support | No IC Diagnosis aOR [95% CI]a |
IC, not HCT aOR [95% CI]a |
HCT aOR [95% CI]a |
None | (reference) | (reference) | (reference) |
HFNC | 0.95 [0.70 – 1.29] | 1.50 [1.11 – 2.03] | 1.75 [1.07 – 2.86] |
NIPPV | 1.03 [0.78 – 1.36] | 1.76 [1.31 – 2.35] | 1.85 [1.12 – 3.02] |
Mixed effects model, adjusted for patient-level fixed effects (IC diagnosis, age, gender, PIM-2 score) and center-level fixed effects (mean monthly volume of tracheal intubations). For each category of IC status, patients intubated without pre-intubation exposure to HFNC/NIPPV serve as the reference group.
IC: Immunocompromised; HCT: hematopoietic cell transplant; aOR: adjusted odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; HFNC: high-flow nasal cannula; NIPPV: noninvasive positive pressure ventilation.