Chart 2. Laboratory evaluation in the investigation of hypothyroidism in pregnancy.
TSH | T4L | Diagnosis | ATPO | |
HYPOTHYROIDISM DIAGNOSED PRIOR TO PREGNANCY | ≤2.5 mUI/L | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
Properly treated hypothyroidism during pregnancy | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
>2.5 mUI/L | Hypothyroidism not properly treated during pregnancy | |||
HYPOTHYROIDISM DIAGNOSED IN PREGNANCY | >10.0 mUI/L | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
Overt hypothyroidism | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
>4.0 and ≤10.0 mUI/L | Within reference values informed by the laboratory | Subclinical hypothyroidism | Do not request (Proposed management in subclinical hypothyroidism is independent of ATPO) |
>4.0 and ≤10.0 mUI/L | Below the lower limit of reference informed by the laboratory | Overt hypothyroidism | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
>2.5 until ≤4.0 mUI/L | Within reference values informed by the laboratory | Euthyroidism | ATPO positive case (above the upper limit of reference informed by the laboratory), consider treatment |
≤2.5 | Do not request (Result will not change management) |
Euthyroidism | Do not request (Result will not change the proposed management for the first trimester in most patients) |
TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; FT4: free thyroxine; ATPO: antithyroperoxidase antibody; SCH: subclinical hypothyroidism.
Source: Prepared by the Working Group for Thyroid Dysfunctions in Pregnancy (CNEGAR and Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology – SBEM).