Fig. 3. Sex × Fkbp5-genotype × ELA interactions alter activity in humanised mice.
Individual data is shown alongside with the mean ± 95% confidence intervals to indicate statistical differences among subgroups. Selected results of the ANOVA at group level are indicated. Descriptive statistics, model summary, and ANOVA results are provided in the Supplementary Tables 11-19. Exploration activity (light beams crossing / minute) during the first 15 minutes in a novel environment in females (a) and males (b). The decrease in activity was lower in ELA-exposed than control mice (p < 0.05) and less in males than females (p = 1−5) given lower initial activity. AT- vs. CG-allele carrying controls tended to remain more active (°, p = 0.07). Total distance [km] females (c) and males (e) moved during the night. The CG-allele and ELA showed significant interaction (p = 0.01) that was most visible in females (∗), since females were more active than males (p < 1−5). Average time [s/min] females (d) and males (f) spent in the dark compartment. ELA-exposed mice were less in the dark than controls (#, p < 1−5), with the CG- vs. AT-allele tending to decrease the time in the dark ($, p = 0.08).