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. 2020 Spring;15(2):79–89. doi: 10.22037/iej.v15i2.27569

Table 1.

Odontoblast-like cytodifferentiation of dental mesenchymal stem cells through genetic manipulation

Manipulated gene(s) Cell type Source Vector Experiment ALP activity Mineralization Gene/Protein marker 1 References
BBX DPSC Human Electroporation (+)2 In vitro + + ALP, OPN, BSP, DMP1, and DSPP Choi et al.[10]
DELTA1 DPSC Human Lentivirus (-)3 In vitro + + DSPP Wang et al.[11]
CX43 DPSC Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro N N DSPP/DSPP
*CX43 overexpression amplified the extracellular Ca-induced mRNA and protein levels of DSPP.
Li et al.[12]
TWIST1 DPSC Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro N + OCN, DMP1, DSP, and OPN
*TWIST1 overexpression stimulates DMP1 and DSPP promoter activities.
Li et al.[13]
VEGF DPSC Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro N N ALP, OCN, DSPP, DMP1/DMP1, and DSP Zhang et al.[14]
ORAI1 DPSC Human Lentivirus (-), Retrovirus (-) In vitro, in vivo - - OCN, DMP1, and BSP Sohn et al.[15]
INTEGRIN-α5 DPSC Human Lentivirus (-) In vitro N + ALP, OCN, DMP1, ON, BSP, and DSPP/DSPP Cui et al.[16]
PIN1 DPSC Human Adenovirus (+) In vitro - - ALP, OPN, OCN, DMP1, and DSPP
*The results were verified by PIN1 inhibitor (Juglone) treatment.
Lee et al.[17]
BCL2 DPSC Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro - - ALP, OCN, DMP1, BSP, COL1 Heng et al.[18]
NFIC SCAP Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro + + ALP, OCN, COL1, and DSP Zhang et al.[19]
NFIC SCAP Human Lipofectamine (-) In vitro N N DMP1 DSPP Gao et al.[20]
*Expression of ALP, OCN and COL1 was not significantly changed
ZHX2 SCAP Human pcDNA3 (+) In vitro + N RUNX2/RUNX2, OCN/OCN, BSP/BSP, and DSPP/DSPP
*The results were verified by knocking down the ZHX2.
Wan et al.[21]
BMP2 SCAP Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro + + ALP, OCN, DSPP, and DMP1 Zhang et al.[22]
BMP2 and/or VEGF SCAP Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro N + ALP, OCN, DSPP, DMP1, and DSP
*Expression of odontogenic markers was significantly higher in co-transfected SCAPs
Zhang et al.[23]
KDM6B SCAP Human Lentiviruses (-) In vitro - - OSX, OPN, OCN, and ALP
*The results were verified by over expressing the KDM6B
Xu et al.[24]
BMI1 Senescent DPSC and SCAP Human Retrovirus (+) In vitro + + OCN, DSPP, BSP, and DMP1
*Bmi1 transduction enhances odontogenic differentiation capacity in senescent dental MSCs
Mehrazarin et al.[25]
CREB SCAP Human Lentivirus (+) In vitro N + ALP, COL1, OCN, OSX, RUNX2/RUNX2, and DSP
*The results were verified by silencing the CREB
Su et al.[26]
Cav1.2 DPSC Rat Lentiviruses (-) In vitro - - DSPP
*The results were verified by L-type calcium channel blocker (Nimodipine) treatment.
Ju et al.[27]
Human BMP2 DPSC Rat Adenovirus (+) In vitro + + ALP, OCN, COL1, BSP, DSPP, and DMP1 Yang et al.[28]
BMP9 iSCAP Mouse Adenovirus (+) In vitro, in vivo + + OCN, OPN, BSP, DMP1, DSPP, and MEPE
*Ectopic mineralized tissue formation was seen
Wang et al.[29]
cells were cultured in TGF-β1 treated medium
SCAP Mouse pLenti6.3 (+) In vitro + + ALP, OCN, and COL1
*Overexpression of NFIC antagonized the inhibition of odontogenic effects of TGF-β1 on SCAPs, while knockdown of NFIC enhanced these effects
He et al.[30]
β-Catenin BMP9- and Wnt3A- induced SCAPs Mouse Transposon-based vector (-) (for β-Catenin) In vitro, in vivo - - RUNX2/OPN
*Silencing β-Catenin expression significantly diminishes BMP9-induced odontoblast-like differentiation of iSCAP cells
Zhang et al.[31]

(Genes and Proteins; BBX: HMG box-containing protein 2, DELTA-1: Notch ligand Delta1, CX43: connexin 43, TWIST1: Twist-related protein 1, VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor, ORAI1: Calcium release-activated calcium channel protein 1, PIN1: Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase NIMA-interacting 1, BCL2: B-cell lymphoma 2, NFIC: Nuclear factor 1 C-type, ZHX2: Zinc fingers and homeoboxes protein 2, BMP: bone morphogenetic protein, KDM6B: Lysine demethylase 6B, BMI1: B cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1, CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein, Cav1.2: L-type calcium channel a1C subunit, WNT5A: wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 5A, ALP: alkaline phosphatase, OPN: osteopontin, BSP: bone sialoprotein, DMP: Dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein, DSPP: dentin sialophosphoprotein, OCN: osteocalcin, DSP: dentin sialoprotein, ON: osteonectin, COL1: Collagen type I, Runx2: Runt-related transcription factor 2, OSX: Transcription factor Sp7 which is also called Osterix, MEPE: Matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein. Cells; DPSCs: dental pulp stem cells, SCAP: stem cells from the apical papilla, iSCAP: immortalized mouse dental apical papilla progenitor cells. Assays; (+): significant increase compared to control group, (-): significant decrease compared to control group, N: not evaluated.) 1: Regular cells represent gene/protein marker upregulation, shaded cells represent gene/protein marker downregulation, 2: (+) overexpressed, 3: (-) knocked down