Table 1.
Characteristics of donor and recipients sub-stratified based on eGFR at 24-month post kidney transplant in the training set (n=174).
Clinical Characteristic | Category | High eGFR (n=107) |
Low eGFR (n=67) |
p-value |
Donor Characteristics | ||||
Donor age, years (avg ± SD) | 37.12 ±15.97 | 48.49 ± 13.79 | <0.001 | |
Donor gender n (%) | Male | 66 (61.7) | 36 (53.7) | 0.38 |
Female | 41 (38.3) | 31 (46.3) | ||
Donor race n (%) | American Indian | 1 (0.9) | 0 (0.0) | 0.006♦ |
Asian | 2 (1.9) | 0 (0.0) | ||
African American | 24 (22.4) | 30 (44.8) | ||
Caucasian | 79 (73.8) | 37 (55.2) | ||
Hispanic | 1 (0.9) | 0 (0.0) | ||
DCD, n (%) | 16 (15.0) | 12 (17.9) | 0.761 | |
Donor cause of death n (%) | Anoxia | 33 (30.8) | 20 (29.9) | 0.113♦ |
Head trauma | 36 (33.6) | 13 (19.4) | ||
Stroke | 34 (31.8) | 32 (47.8) | ||
Other/Unknown | 4 (3.7) | 2 (3.0) | ||
Delayed graft function n (%) | 34 (31.8) | 28 (41.8) | 0.238 | |
Donor BMI (avg ± SD) | 26.57 ±5.83 | 31.10 ± 9.07 | <0.001 | |
CIT, hours (avg ± SD) | 19.48 ±9.01 | 19.73 ± 6.65 | 0.837 | |
WIT, min (avg ± SD) | 30.79 ±7.33 | 31.79 ± 6.82 | 0.367 | |
Pump used, n (%) | 53 (49.5) | 44 (65.7) | 0.054 | |
Pump time hours (avg ± SD) | 7.05 ± 8.06 | 7.84 ± 7.16 | 0.497 | |
Last donor creatinine mg/dL (avg ± SD) | 1.24 ±0.87 | 1.25 ± 0.55 | 0.903 | |
Donor HBV cAb n (%) | Negative | 93 (86.9) | 61 (91.0) | 0.613♦ |
Positive | 9 (8.4) | 3 (4.5) | ||
N/A | 5 (4.7) | 3 (4.5) | ||
Donor HCV Ab n (%) | Positive | 12 (11.2) | 7 (10.4) | 1.00 |
Donor CMV, n (%) | Positive | 63 (58.9) | 42 (62.7) | 0.734 |
KDPI (avg ± SD) | 49.46 ± 27.40 | 69.93 ± 22.00 | <0.001 | |
KDRI (avg ± SD) | 1.07 ± 0.36 | 1.34 ± 0.40 | <0.001 | |
Histological Evaluation of Pretransplant Biopsies | ||||
Pretransplant glomerulosclerosis (gsc) n (%) | Absent | 62 (57.9) | 46 (68.6) | 0.603♦ |
Mild | 17 (15.9) | 8 (11.9) | ||
Moderate | 2 (1.9) | 1 (1.5) | ||
Severe | 0 (0.0) | 0 (0.0) | ||
N/A | 26 (24.3) | 12 (17.9) | ||
Pretransplant interstitial fibrosis (if) n (%) | Absent | 25 (23.4) | 10 (14.9) | 0.160♦ |
Mild | 52 (48.6) | 39 (58.2) | ||
Moderate | 4 (3.7) | 6 (9.0) | ||
Severe | 0 (0.0) | 0 (0.0) | ||
N/A | 26 (24.3) | 12 (17.9) | ||
Pretransplant tubular atrophy (ta) n (%) | Absent | 46 (43.0) | 26 (38.8) | 0.263♦ |
Mild | 34 (31.8) | 26 (38.8) | ||
Moderate | 1 (0.9) | 3 (4.5) | ||
Severe | 0 (0.0) | 0 (0.0) | ||
N/A | 26 (24.3) | 12 (17.9) | ||
Recipient Characteristics | ||||
Recipient age (avg ± SD) | 51.98 ± 12.62 | 53.09 ± 11.06 | 0.556 | |
Recipient gender n (%) | Male | 64 (59.8) | 40 (59.7) | 1.00 |
Female | 43 (40.2) | 27 (40.3) | ||
Recipient race n (%) | Asian/Pacific Islander | 1 (0.9) | 0 (0.0) | 0.898♦ |
African American | 79 (73.8) | 50 (74.6) | ||
Caucasian | 22 (20.6) | 16 (23.9) | ||
Hispanic | 4 (3.7) | 1 (1.5) | ||
Other/Unknown | 1 (0.9) | 0 (0.0) | ||
Recipient BMI, (avg ± SD) | 27.92 ± 5.19 | 28.48 ± 4.86 | 0.479 | |
Recipient HCV, n (%) | Positive | 13 (12.1) | 6 (9.0) | 0.621♦ |
Negative | 94 (87.9) | 61 (91.0) | ||
CMV disease, n (%) | Positive | 2 (1.9) | 4 (6.0) | 0.206♦ |
Recipient CMV n (%) | Positive | 82 (76.6) | 51 (76.1) | 1.00 |
Pretransplant diagnosis n (%) | DM | 20 (18.7) | 15 (22.4) | 0.516♦ |
DM/HTN | 24 (22.4) | 8 (11.9) | ||
HTN | 37 (34.6) | 25 (37.3) | ||
FSGS | 8 (7.5) | 5 (7.5) | ||
Other | 18 (16.8) | 14 (20.9) | ||
Matched sex, n (%) | 49 (45.8) | 41 (61.2) | 0.068 | |
Months on dialysis pretransplant (avg ± SD) | 40.37 ± 34.62 | 45.95 ± 37.51 | 0.333 | |
AR episodes within 12 months posttransplant n (%) | 10 (9.3) | 10 (14.9) | 0.330♦ | |
HLA mismatch (avg ± SD) | 4.38 ± 1.33 | 4.41 ± 1.21 | 0.768 | |
PRA | >80% | 30 (28.0) | 22 (32.8) | 0.501 |
dnDSA, n (%) | Positive | 8 (7.5) | 10 (14.9) | 0.131♦ |
A two-sample t-test was computed for continuous variables, while categorical variables were compared using a Chi-square test (or Fisher’s exact test when there were small cell sizes).
Fisher’s exact test used due to small expected cell sizes.
AR: acute rejection; BMI: body mass index; CIT: cold ischemia time; CMV: cytomegalovirus; DCD: donation after circulatory death; DM: diabetes mellitus; dnDSA: de novo donor specific antibody, FSGS: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: Hepatitis C virus; HLA: human leukocyte antigen; HTN: hypertension; KDPI: Kidney Donor Profile Index; KDRI: Kidney Donor Risk Index; SCD: standard criteria donor; WIT: warm ischemia time.