Fig. 4.
Size-dependent biclique frequency. (A) Left: E.coli heatmap for all compound/protein biclique sizes up to 100 proteins and 20 compounds. Bicliques including four compounds and two proteins are the most common with n = 106 (total number of bicliques n = 2022). (A) Right: human heatmap for all c/p-biclique sizes up to 100 proteins and 20 compounds. Bicliques including four compounds and two proteins are the most common with n = 419 (total number of bicliques n = 22 879). (B) Comparison of frequencies of bicliques of different sizes captured as a single number to allow for better comparison of E.coli versus human and defined as sqrt(c×p), where c is the number of compounds and p the number of proteins (histogram clipped at size sqrt(c×p)=30)