(A) S. aegyptiacus (early Late Cretaceous, Cenomanian, ca. 95 Ma) showing known bones based on the holotype (BSPG 1912 VIII 19, red), neotype (FSAC-KK 11888, blue), and referred specimens (yellow) and the center of mass (red cross) of the flesh model in bipedal stance (overlap priority: neotype, holotype, referred bones). (B) Cervical 9 (BSPG 2011 I 115) in lateral view and coronal cross-section showing internal air space. (C) Caudal 1 centrum (FSAC-KK 11888) in anterolateral view and coronal CT cross-section. (D) Right manual phalanx I-1 (UCRC PV8) in dorsal, lateral, and sagittal CT cross-sectional views. (E) Pedal phalanges IV-4, IV-ungual (FSAC-KK 11888) in dorsal, lateral, and sagittal CT. (F) S. tenerensis (mid Cretaceous, Aptian-Albian, ca. 110 Ma) showing known bones based on the holotype (MNBH GAD500, red), a partial skeleton (MNBH GAD70, blue), and other referred specimens (yellow) (overlap priority: holotype, MNBH GAD70, referred bones). (G) Dorsal 3 in lateral view (MNBH GAD70). (H) Left manual phalanx I-1 (MNBH GAD503) in dorsal, lateral, and sagittal CT cross-sectional views. (I) Caudal 1 vertebra in lateral view (MNBH GAD71). (J) Caudal ~3 vertebra in lateral view (MNBH GAD85). (K) Caudal ~13 vertebra in lateral view with CT cross-sections (coronal, horizontal) of the hollow centrum and neural spine (MNBH GAD70). ag, attachment groove; C2, 7, 9, cervical vertebra 2, 7, 9; CA1, 10, 20, 30, 40, caudal vertebra 1, 10, 20, 30, 40; clp, collateral ligament pit; D4, 13, dorsal vertebra 4, 13; dip, dorsal intercondylar process; k, keel; mc, medullary cavity; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; pc, pneumatic cavity; pl, pleurocoel; r, ridge; S1, 5, sacral vertebra 1, 5. Dashed lines indicate contour of missing bone, arrows indicate plane of CT-sectional views, and scale bars equal 1 m (A, F), 5 cm (B, C), 3 cm (D, E, H–K) with human skeletons 1.8 m tall (A, F).