Figure S1. T6SSi large cluster subtype distribution across select Vibrio species.
Hamburger ( analysis of all analyzed Vibrio genomes showing all identified complete T6SS clusters. Grouping of the identified T6SS clusters with known T6SS types is shown by the phylogenetic tree (left), and operon structure is indicated (right). Colored branches of the tree indicate Hamburger-internal representative T6SSs corresponding to the indicated type, and black branches indicate input genomes. Operon diagrams are centered around vipA/vipB. V. cholerae = Vch, V. paracholerae = Vpch, V. tarriae = Vtar, V. metoecus = Vmet, V. mimicus = Vmim, V. fluvialis = Vflu, V. furnissii = Vfur, V. anguillarum = Vang, V. ordalii = Vord, V. vulnificus = Vvul, V. parahaemolyticus = Vphl, V. scophthalmi = Vsco, V. kanaloae = Vkan.