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. 2022 Oct 31;14(10):e30937. doi: 10.7759/cureus.30937

Table 3. Feasibility and acceptability of telemedicine services.

Variables Groups n (%)
Have you ever consulted a doctor over telemedicine in the past? Yes 206 (27.2%)
No 552 (72.8%)
If yes, compared to the earlier service how satisfied are you with this service? Better than the previous one 52 (6.9%)
Same as the previous one 118 (15.7%)
Worse than the previous one 9 (1.2%)
Not applicable 571 (76.1%)
Did you follow the advice given by the AIIMS helpline? Yes 651 (85.9%)
No 78 (10.3%)
Partially 28 (3.7%)
Are you worried about privacy and confidentiality? Yes 67 (8.8%)
No 544 (71.8%)
Not sure 147 (19.4%)
In which language do you expect your doctor should communicate with you? Hindi 727 (95.9%)
English 13 (1.7%)
Local language 7 (0.9%)
Mixed 11 (1.5%)
Do you want this consultant to be free or paid? Free 667 (88%)
Paid 91 (12%)
If the service is a paid consultation, how much would you like to pay? 0–50 Rs 90 (11.9%)
51–100 Rs 15 (2%)
>101 Rs 4 (0.5%)
Not applicable 648 (85.6%)
What medium of consultation do you prefer? Video consultation 515 (67.9%)
Telephonic 243 (32.1%)
If we provide video consultation, will you be able to access the service? Yes 714 (94.2%)
No 44 (5.8%)
If yes, please provide the medium (here we are providing common mediums used) Facebook 101 (13.4%)
WhatsApp 642 (84.9%)
Instagram 4 (0.5%)
Google Meet 00 (0%)
Zoom 00 (0 %)
Not applicable 8 (1.1%)
No use of anything 00 (0%)
Which kind of consultation do you prefer? Telemedicine 200 (26.4%)
Face to face 376 (49.6%)
Combination 182 (24%)
Do you expect the prescription to be delivered to you during teleconsultation? Yes 747 (98.7%)
No 10 (1.3%)
If yes, what route do you prefer? Social media like WhatsApp 742 (98.1%)
Postal service 12 (1.6%)
No 00 (0%)
Do not want prescription 00 (0%)
Do you expect medicine to be given to you along with the prescription? No, I will buy my own 290 (38.3%)
Yes, at a subsidized rate 379 (50.1%)
Yes, free of cost 85 (11.2%)
According to the patient’s economic status -
It should be according to government policy 00 (0%)
Do not want prescription 00 (0%)
Do you think investigations should be ordered over telemedicine and reviewed on follow-up? Yes 749 (98.9%)
No 8 (1.1%)
Do you want telemedicine services to be continued after the pandemic? Yes 707 (93.3%)
No 27 (3.6%)
Not sure 24 (3.2%)
What kind of service do you expect in telemedicine? Primary care 101 (13.3%)
Specialist 647 (85.5%)
Referral service 3 (0.4%)
Not sure 5 (0.7%)
What should be the timing of the availability of telemedicine services? Round the clock 299 (39.5%)
Working 415 (54.8%)
Non-working 35 (4.6%)
Not sure 8 (1.1%)