Extended Data Fig. 10. Nanobody recognition of PfCSS and sequence conservation of PfCSS and PfPTRAMP.
a. D2 contacts an N-linked glycan on Asn88 of recombinant PfCSS. Interacting residues are shown as sticks. b. Representative sensorgram and 1:1 model best fit (black) for D2 binding to non-glycosylated PTRAMP-CSS determined by biolayer interferometry. A 2-fold dilution series was used, starting at 500 nM (light pink), 250 nM (lilac), 125 nM (purple), 62.5 nM (cyan). c. Superposition of the D1 domains from the D2-PfCSS and H2-PfCSS structures showing the β-strand is replaced by the H2 CDR3. d. Weblogo representation of PfCSS sequence diversity from 212 sequences from the PlasmoDB55. D2 and H2 interacting residues are denoted with teal and pink circles, respectively. e. Weblogo representation of PfPTRAMP sequence diversity from 214 sequences from the PlasmoDB.