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. 2022 Oct 9;7(4):822–828. doi: 10.1002/epi4.12654


Clinical features, diagnostic investigations, and treatment during NORSE and Epilepsy after NORSE

PHASE 1: NORSE Patient 1 Patient 2
Current Age/Age at onset (years) 39/37 44/33
Etiology Unknown Encephalitis anti‐NMDAR no tumor associated
NORSE duration 37 days 42 days
Serum and CSF studies

CSF(a): Encephalitis panel, bacterial and fungal culture: Negative

Serum: Hepatitis, HIV, VDRL, CMV: Negative

CSF (b): Encephalitis panel, bacterial and fungal culture, VDRL: Negative

Serum: Hepatitis, HIV, VDRL, Lyme, CMV: Negative


CSF: Autoimmune panel: negative

Serum: Autoimmune panel, ANA, Anti dsDNA, anti‐nucleosomes, anti‐histones, anti DFS70, ANCA, anti‐tiroglobuline, Rheumatoid factor: Negative

CSF: Autoimmune panel: anti‐NMDA positive

Serum: ANA, anti dsDNA, anti‐ENA, ANCA, Rheumatoid factor: Negative


CSF (Neoplastic cytology): Negative

CT (Thorax‐Abdomen‐Pelvis) and Ultrasound (abdomen, pelvis) were negative for tumor

CSF (Neoplastic cytology): Negative

CT (Thorax‐Abdomen‐Pelvis) and Ultrasound (scrotum, thyroid, abdomen) were negative for tumor

MRI findings

At onset: Negative

During NORSE: Hypersignal in FLAIR in the left mesial temporal lobe and left insular white matter

1.5 Years after, the abnormal signal disappeared

At onset: Negative

During NORSE: Hypersignal in FLAIR in bilateral mesial temporal lobe, left occipital and splenium

At discharge from hospital: Subtle signal change in the left hippocampus and small residual signal in splenium

EEG findings Continuous multifocal spikes and polyspikes (maximum right posterior temporal region) Burst suppression pattern with multifocal spikes (left temporal, left frontal, right frontocentral and bifrontal)
Anesthetics Midazolam, Ketamine, Propofol Midazolam, Fentanyl, Ketamine, Propofol
Antimicrobials Acyclovir, Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin, Piperacilin/tazobactam (partial treatment) Acyclovir, Vancomycin, Piperacilin/tazobactam (Partial course)
Immunomodulatory agents Methylprednisolone, IVIG, Rituximab (six doses‐weekly), azathioprine (maintenance therapy) Methylprednisolone (followed by Prednisone), azathioprine (maintenance therapy)

Cessation of NORSE was 7 days after VNS was implanted:

Day 0: OC = 0.25 mA, F = 20 Hz, PW = 250 μs, ON = 30 s, OFF = 30 min

Day 1: OC = 1.0 mA, F = 20 Hz, PW = 250 μs, ON = 30 s, OFF = 30 min

Day 2: OC = 1.25 mA, F = 20 Hz, PW = 250 μs, ON = 30 s, OFF = 30 min

Day 7: OC = 1.75 mA, F = 20 Hz, PW = 250 μs, ON = 30 s, OFF = 30 min

Implanted after NORSE was controlled
PHASE II: Epilepsy after NORSE Patient 1 Patient 2
Current Age/Age at onset (years) 39/37 44/33
Latent period after NORSE No 8 months
Seizure classification Type 1: focal impair awareness nonmotor seizures to bilateral tonic clonic seizures: déjà vu/ hear voices and sounds ➔ behavioral arrest ➔ eyes deviation to the left ➔ left facial asymmetry ➔ left arm dystonia ➔ head and eyes deviation to the right ➔ sometimes bilateral clonic movements. Type 2: strange sensation ➔ touches her head ➔ smiling ➔ whistling ➔ speak some words with a bit delayed in reacting Type 1: focal impair awareness nonmotor seizures: behavioral arrest ➔ staring ➔ loss of awareness ➔ right hand automatisms /dystonic posture of the left hand. (Type 1 sometime progress to bilateral tonic–clonic)
EEG findings Interictal: Multifocal independent spikes augmented during sleep (almost 2 years after NORSE). Ictal: onset changes among seizures with the majority over right posterior temporal region and a few over left temporal region (almost 2 years after NORSE) Inter Ictal: Independent bitemporal spikes, maximum right (8 years after NORSE) Ictal: Onset over left temporal region mostly and over right temporal region in a lesser degree (3 years after NORSE)
MRI findings Slightly increased T2 signal is present in both hippocampi. The abnormal signal in left insular region disappeared (almost 2 years after NORSE) Bilateral hippocampal atrophy and T2 hyperintense signal abnormality. Resolution of signal abnormality in splenium (9 years after NORSE)
Epilepsy classification Multifocal Epilepsy Independent Bi Temporal Epilepsy
Etiology Unknown Structural (Bilateral MTS)/“Autoimmune‐associated”
Other treatment Immunotherapy: Azathioprine 150 mg/d since NORSE None
VNS Implanted at 30 days after NORSE (cessation of SRSE occurred 7 days after VNS was implanted) Implanted 9 years after NORSE
Frequency of seizures before VNS N.A. 12 per month
Frequency of seizures after VNS (Output current mA)

1 month: Up to 5 (2.5)

3 months: 1‐2 per day (2)

6 months: 1‐2 per day (2)

12 months: 1‐3 per day (2)

18 months: 1‐3 per day (2.25)

22 months: 1‐3 per day (3)

24 months: 1‐3 per day (3)

3 months: 15 per month (0.85)

6 months: 10 per month (1.75)

8 months: 2‐3 months (2)

12 months: 2 months (2)

18 months: 2‐3 month (2)

21 months: 12 per month (2.75)

24 months:8‐12 per month (3)

Cognitive outcome Mild‐to‐severe generalized impairments across all cognitive domains (Neuropsychological evaluation) Multifocal Cognitive Impairment. Probably nondominant (more likely right) mesial temporal impairment and frontal dysfunction (not clearly lateralized). Dominant temporal impairment (more likely left) not ruled out
Emotional outcome Mild symptoms of depression and anxiety (She took antidepressants when symptoms were severe) No evidence of depression or any other mood disturbance
Social outcome She is unable to carry out all of her previous activities but is able to take care of her own affairs without help. She works from home as a writer of educational material Not currently working as truck driver. He is on a disability support program

Note: Cytochemical study in CSF showed mild pleocytosis: a:14 cel; b: 20 cel (lymphocyte predominance). Encephalitis panel: Herpes Simple Virus I‐II, varicella zoster, and enterovirus RNA. Autoimmune panel: Anti‐AMPA, anti‐CASPR, anti DPPX, anti‐GABA antibody, anti‐LGI1, anti‐NMDA, anti‐GAD65, anti IgLON5.

Abbreviations: ANA, Antinuclear antibodies; ANA, Nuclear Antigen Antibodies; ANCA, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; ASM, antiseizure medication; BRV, brivaracetam; CLB; clobazam; CMV, Cytomegalovirus; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, Computerized tomography; dsDNA, double stranded DNA; EEG, electroencephalogram; ESL, eslicarbazepine; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IVIG, Intravenous Immunoglobulin; LCM, lacosamide; LEV, Levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine; LZP, Lorazepam; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MTS, mesial temporal sclerosis; N.A, not applicable; NMDAR, N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor; PB, phenobarbital; PER, perampanel; PHT, phenytoin; SRSE, super refractory status epilepticus; TPM, topiramate; VDRL, test for syphilis; VNS, Vagus nerve stimulator; VPA, valproic acid.