Loss of Chromosome Y (LOY) is common in human microglia and is associated with aging and AD. (A) Mean adjusted LOY percentages for each major brain cell type in each subject. Each point represents a cell type–specific LOY estimate in an individual donor (more than 100 cells). Wilcoxon: (*) P < 0.05, (***) P < 0.001. (B,C) Association between donor age and microglia LOY percentage in nondisease control subjects (B) and all available subjects (C). Points are colored by neurological diagnosis. Black lines indicate linear regression correlation (Pearson's correlation). Adjusted P-values are derived from a multiple linear regression model that accounts for nUMI, 10x chemistry, and MSY sparsity (Methods). (D) Adjusted LOY percentage in AD microglia (n = 24) compared with all other subjects (n = 64). (E) Adjusted LOY percentages contrasted between AD, nondisease control, and other neurodegenerative diseases. (E,D) Adjusted P-values are from a multiple linear regression model that accounts for age.