Internal validation (n=1356). Mean (95% confidence interval) of z-scores for a) forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), b) forced vital capacity (FVC) and c) FEV1/FVC in females, derived from different predictive equations. M1, M2, M3: predictive equations derived from current study; CHH: Chhabra [23]; DAS: Dasgupta [24]; DES: Desai [25]; BIS: Biswas [26]; AGA: Agarwal [27]; MEM: Memon [29]; SOO: Sooriyakanthan [28]; SAL: Saleem [22]; NHA(AA): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (African-American); GLI(AA): Global Lung Initiative 2012 (African-American) #: results not shown because the value is off-scale (mean z-score −5.09, 95% CI −5.17–−5.02); ¶: results for BIS, MEM and SOO are not available.