B7-H6/CD3 ITE monotherapy induces antitumor activity in human HCT-15 xenograft tumor bearing PBMC humanized in vivo mouse model. A and B, B7-H6 IHC (A), dose and schedule dependency (B). Each datapoint represents the median of 8 animals. C–E, Donor dependency of antitumor activity of B7-H6/CD3 ITE. Each datapoint represents 1 animal. F-I, Flow cytometry analysis of HCT-15 xenograft tumors (PBMC donor A) on day 18, tumor weight (F), number of tumor cells (G), number of CD4+ T cells (H), and number of CD8+ T cells (I) per gram tumor tissue. Each datapoint represents one animal, and bars represent the median. ****, P < 0.0001; ***, P < 0.001; **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05.