Fig. 4.
Increased expression of neoantigen leads to increased CTL activation and killing in a TCR-MHC dependent fashion. Bar plots showing relative gene expression of (A) MYRF, (D) MCM7, (G) WDR91, (J) LAMA3, (M) FAM122a to GAPDH as measured by RTqPCR for the relevant cell lines (A—U87MG; D+G—HGG2; J—HGG11, M—HGG13). Expression is represented as 2–∆∆CT and statistical significance as calculated by paired two-tailed student t test. Activation of (B) MYRF, (E) MCM7, (H) WDR91, (K) LAMA3 and (N) FAM122a specific CTL as measured by TNFα+/CD107a+ cells by flow cytometry. All cells pregated on CD3+/CD8+ population. (C) MYRF, (F) MCM7, (I) WDR91, (L) LAMA3 and (O) FAM122a specific CTL mediated killing as measured by LDH release against primary cell lines. Data shown are from biological triplicates representative of a minimum of 3 independent experiments. Ab—W6/32 MHC class I blocking antibody. Statistical significance as calculated by 2-way ANOVA. * P < .05, ** P < .01, *** P < .001, **** P < .0001.