Pipeline of processing
in vitro refolding kinetics of pepsinized proteins using local HDX‐MS analysis (Fig
2B). (i) Denatured proteins are refolded out of chaotrope (6 M urea) into aqueous buffer where the different folding states are observed. (ii) An aliquot of the refolding reaction is removed at different timepoints and pulse‐labelled in high %D
2O where the amount of Deuterium taken up reflects the number of non‐H‐bonded/solvent‐accessible backbone amides and is inversely related to how folded (i.e. stably H‐bonded) the protein is. Pulse‐labelled proteins are pepsinized to determine the D‐uptake of each peptide to obtain folding details. (iii) All peptides are identified by their retention time during Liquid Chromatography and their m/z spectrum (Englander
et al,
2007; Tsirigotaki
et al,
2017b). The unfolded and folded state are a single distribution with the highest and lowest D‐uptake, respectively, where during folding the conversion from a completely unfolded to the folded state is observed (bimodal distributions, EX1 HDX kinetics (Englander
et al,
2007; Tsirigotaki
et al,
2017b)). The average D‐uptake of each distribution is determined using a centroid that gets converted to the folded fraction using the D‐uptake of the unfolded state as 0% folded and that of the folded state as 100%.