Comparison of degree of unfoldedness (%D‐uptake) of peptides inside foldons between PpiA/PpiB and their preprotein derivatives (Figs
5C and D vs.
2E and F). Similar to (B), the degree of unfoldedness was determined for the whole peptide and displayed over folding time. Top, refolding of a peptide covering foldon A (β8‐α2) at 25°C for (pro)PpiA (same peptide, residue 146–157, proPpiA numbering) and (pro)PpiB (same peptide, residue 152–160, proPpiB numbering). Middle, refolding of foldon B (N‐strap) at 25°C in (pro)PpiA (same peptide, residue 24–42, proPpiA numbering) and (pro)PpiB (different peptide, residue 30–45 and 24–43, respectively, proPpiB numbering). Bottom, refolding of foldon C (end of α1) at 25°C for (pro)PpiA (same peptide, residue 56–64, proPpiA numbering) and (pro)PpiB (different peptide, residue 43–59 and 44–59, respectively, proPpiB numbering).