Experimental Models
MC4100 cells (E. coli) |
Casadaban (1997) |
Prof. Dr. Genevaux, CBI Toulouse, France |
Recombinant DNA
Genes (E. coli) |
This study unless mentioned otherwise |
Appendix Table S4
Anti‐(pro)PhoA (Rabbit, monoclonal) |
Chatzi et al (2017) (Ecolab/Davids) |
1/50,000 dilution |
Anti‐rabbit (Peroxidase‐conjugated AffiniPure Goat) |
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. |
111‐007‐003 (1/50,000 dilution) |
Oligonucleotides and sequence‐based reagents
Custom oligos
Eurogentec |
Appendix Table S2
Chemicals, enzymes and other reagents
T4 DNA Ligase |
Promega |
M1801 |
PFU Ultra Polymerase |
Aligent |
#600380 |
Deuteriumoxide |
Sigma Aldrich |
P/N 151882 |
Urea‐d4 |
Sigma Aldrich |
P/N 176087 |
Formic Acid (MS grade) |
Sigma Aldrich |
F0507 |
Acetonitrile (ACN, MS grade) |
Merck Millipore |
100030 |
Leucine Enkephalin (LeuEnk) |
Waters |
186006013 |
para‐Nitrophenolphosphate (PNPP) |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
34045 |
Canvas X |
2022 |
v0.3.3 (e8ea23e) |
ImageJ |
1.53g 4 |
Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda, Python) |
Python 3.6 |
AWSEM‐MD Frustratometer |
Protein Frustratometer 2 (Parra et al, 2016) |
MassLynx |
v4.1 (Waters) |
Waters Corporation |
ProteinLynx Global Server (PLGS) |
v3.0.1 (Waters) |
Waters Corporation |
DynamX |
v3.0 (Waters) |
Waters Corporation |
Clustal Omega |
Sievers et al (2011) |
v2.4 |
Rosetta |
3.13 |
Avanti J‐26S XPI, JLA 8.1000 rotor |
Beckman |
PN B10093AB |
French Press |
Thermo |
FA‐078A + FA‐032 (40 k) Standard CELL |
Sorvall RC 6 plus |
Fisher Scientific |
NB.81 |
Ni2+‐NTA Agarose resin |
Qiagen |
ID: 30210 |
Dialysis membranes (12–14 kDa MW cut‐off) |
Medicell Membranes Ltd. |
DTV.12000 |
Plasmid DNA purification kit (NucleoSpin® Plasmid EasyPure) |
Macherey‐Nagel |
740727.50. |
Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean‐Up System |
Promega |
A9281 |
nanoACQUITY UPLC System with HDX Technology |
Waters |
Waters Corporation |
Synapt G2 Mass Spectrometry instrument |
Waters |
Waters Corporation |
MassPREP Micro Desalting column |
Waters |
186004032 |
Pepsin column |
Sigma (pepsin) + Idex (cartridge) |
P0609 + # 5051IP‐M07021‐005‐05TI |
Nepenthesin‐2 |
Affipro |
AP‐PC‐004 |
VanGuard C18 Pre‐column |
Waters |
186003975 |
C18 analytical column |
Waters |
186002350 |
SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
34580 |
ImageQuant LAS‐4000 (CCD‐camera system) |
GE Healthcare Life Sciences |
28‐9610‐74 AC |
Jasco J‐1500 |
Jasco Inc. |
J‐1000 series |
Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
Agilent |
Agilent Technologies |
Nanodrop 2000 |
Thermo |
ND‐2000 |
Vivaspin centrifugal concentrators (Vivaspin 500) |
Viva products |