Table 4.
Ref. | Publication Goal | Study Results |
| ||
O’Connell et al., 2014 | Establish silicone wristbands as an effective passive sampling tool. | • Established laboratory practices concerning cleaning, infusion, and extraction of SPSD. • Measured 49 chemicals within SPSD extracts with KoW ranging from −0.07 to 9.49. • SPSDs were used in an occupational setting for the first time and demonstrated spatial sensitivity. |
Anderson et al., 2017 | Establishing wristband practices and user guidelines | • Without proper conditioning analytical sensitivity is decreased, and the instrument will require a high degree of maintenance • Wristbands are stable for transport in air-tight containers at ambient air temperatures for 1–2 weeks. • Wristbands are stable for storage at 4°C for SVOCs and VOCs for up to 3 months, stable for longer if stored at −20°C. • Wristbands are suitable for sampling chemical classes with a log KOA range of 2.1 – 13.7. |
Bergmann et al., 2018 | Development of a quantitative screen for 1550 chemicals using gas chromatography mass (GC-MS) spectrometry for use with analysis of silicone wristbands. | • Created a targeted analysis for a large number of chemicals ranging in phys-chem properties using a predictive model and Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System. • Analytical method improves efficient environmental monitoring paired with passive samplers such as silicone wristbands. |
Romanak et al., 2019 | Development of a GC-MS method capable of screening 77 SVOCs from four chemical categories (PBDEs, HFRs, OPEs and PAHs) for use with SPSDs. | • Created a targeted analysis method for use with silicone wristbands that minimizes chromatographic interferences such as siloxanes and lipids. • Method was applied to wristbands worn by 10 individuals over a 7-day period, and found the method was capable of capturing personal exposure to various levels of target analytes. |
Donald et al., 2019 | Co-deployment of LDPE and silicone wristbands to determine chemical flux above turf fields, and silicone-air portioning coefficients. | •Thermal extraction is a viable extraction method for silicone passive samplers. • Partitioning coefficients were derived for use in future studies. • Turf pore air concentrations measured by LDPE and air concentrations measure by SPSD were correlated. |
Tromp et al., 2019 | Assess the variability of chemical uptake and uptake capacity into silicone sheets, silicone wristbands, and PUF. | • Derived a relationship for estimating sampling rates for passive samplers. • Differences amongst samplers in chemical uptake rates for gas-phase chemicals were not found. • Silicone-air partitioning coefficients were determined for 98 chemicals. |
Travis et al., 2021 | Optimize a workflow for un-targeted analysis of silicone wristbands, provide confidence levels to features observed using high resolution mass spectroscopy – electron ionization, and evaluate different sample preparation techniques to maximize detections using orbitrap MS. | • Cleanup of complex matrices is necessary to produce accurate and reproducible results. • A workflow for non-targeted analysis was optimized and includes data acquisition, peak picking, feature filtering, and finally feature identification. |
O’Connell et al.,2021 | Utilize measurements of silicone uptake and a chemicals boiling point to create predictive models for silicone-air partitioning coefficients. | • Data from silicone samplers were translated into an equivalent air concentration, that can be compared to regulatory air concentrations. |